© 2025 Apstar Sacco Limited. All Rights Reserved. Developed by Pinch Africa
Welcome to Apstar Sacco
Welcome to Apstar Sacco, Where Your Financial Dreams Come to Life. Experience our unparalleled Service, Expert Guidance, and a Range of Cutting-Edge Financial Solutions Designed to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Secure Your Future.
Any Kenyan Citizen is eligible to join the Sacco as Individual Persons, institutions or groups/ Chama’s regardless country of residence.
- Wide variety of products and services
- Returns on Share capital as Dividends and Interests on Deposits
- Instant Mobile Loans
- Affordable Interest rates on loans

Membership Categories
We can help you create positive and permanent changes in your life.
Let’s Create Something new and awesome Togeather.

Full Member
Member Contributes Monthly towards the society

Re-joining Member
Was once a member and withdrew from the society and would wish to re- join the Sacco

Banking Service / Transactional Member
Member does Not have specified monthly contributions
Online Individual Membership Registration Form
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Individual Diaspora Membership
Diaspora Membership Application forms are available on Apstar Sacco Society’s website for download and completion. Applicants to attach valid Kenyan Passport and colored passport size photograph
Joint Diaspora Membership
Joint Diaspora Application Form is available on the website for download to be attached to their Valid Kenyan Passport for all applicants alongside colored passport size photograph for all applicants.
Individual Membership
Corporate Membership
Group Diaspora
Individual Membership
The product requires that one to complete a Membership Application Form available on Sacco Website,
attach copy of their Kenyan National Identity Card or Valid Kenyan Passport a colored passport size
photograph, their current or latest pay slip where applicable and a copy of their valid KRA Pin Number.
Corporate Membership
Complete Corporate Membership Application Form available on the society website for download to be
attached to minutes of the group’s meeting resolving to join Apstar Sacco. The corporate is required to
attach account operation mandates and resolution alongside the group’s Constitution and memorandum
of articles, copies of Kenyan National Identification Cards or Valid Kenya Passports with colored passport
size photograph of authorized signatories. Also required are a copy of Kenyan registered certificate/
Incorporation, a list of group members indicating ID numbers or up to date CR12 and the company/group’s
Group Diaspora
Complete Group Diaspora Membership Application Form available on the society website for download.
Applicant groups are required to attach minutes of the group’s meeting resolving to join Apstar Sacco
group’s constitution and memorandum of understanding attached together with copies of valid Kenyan
passports and colored passport size photograph of authorized signatories together with copy of group’s
registration certificate.

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